Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
Nona Munixx in Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
Alekszandr Szivkovin Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
IKOB Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst presents the performance Emergency Ex (2022) by Catinca Malaimare: an intimate encounter between human bodies and machines. In a choreography of movement, sound and light, human and non-human actors become equal collaborators in creating a sensuous and otherworldly environment. Suggesting not just a technical, but an affective codependency between us and our screens, Emergency Ex conjures a not-so-distant future where face and interface have become indistinguishable.
On 24th September 2022, the EUREGIO Very Contemporary 2022 network organises a joint art festival for the first time. Under the title "Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border", institutions from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands will show selected performative positions at the Kunsthaus NRW in Aachen-Kornelimünster. The participating institutions are Greylight Projects (Heerlen NL), IKOB (Eupen BE), Jester (Genk BE), Kunsthaus NRW (Aachen DE), Leopold-Hoesch-Museum (Düren DE), NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein (Aachen DE).
Performed by Nona Munixx, Alekszandr Szivkovin & Catinca Malaimare
Three-channel music arrangement composed by Joshua Fay
Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
Alekszandr Szivkovin Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
Alekszandr Szivkovin Emergency Ex, 2022, Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen DE. Photo: Anna Gala
IKOB Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst presents the performance Emergency Ex (2022) by Catinca Malaimare: an intimate encounter between human bodies and machines. In a choreography of movement, sound and light, human and non-human actors become equal collaborators in creating a sensuous and otherworldly environment. Suggesting not just a technical, but an affective codependency between us and our screens, Emergency Ex conjures a not-so-distant future where face and interface have become indistinguishable.
On 24th September 2022, the EUREGIO Very Contemporary 2022 network organises a joint art festival for the first time. Under the title "Very Contemporary Performance-Festival cross-border", institutions from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands will show selected performative positions at the Kunsthaus NRW in Aachen-Kornelimünster. The participating institutions are Greylight Projects (Heerlen NL), IKOB (Eupen BE), Jester (Genk BE), Kunsthaus NRW (Aachen DE), Leopold-Hoesch-Museum (Düren DE), NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein (Aachen DE).
Performed by Nona Munixx, Alekszandr Szivkovin and Catinca Malaimare
Three-channel music arrangement by Joshua Fay